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There are a number of contributing factors as to why many children have reading difficulties. They are comprehensively covered in the book, Dealing with Dyslexia and Other Reading Difficulties, written by registered psychologists and founders of I Can Read Antony Earnshaw and Annabel Seargeant and published by Pearson Education.
The authors, who have spent nearly 15 years investigating reading development as research psychologists, support the view that in general, poor reading skills are the consequence of ineffective and inadequate instructional approaches.    
What this means is that, in general, children fail to learn to read English easily or well because they are not taught properly. Well-meaning teachers may have exposed students to the alphabet prematurely, making it confusing for a beginner reader who has not yet developed sufficient pre-reading skills such as syllabic and phonemic awareness.    
Through our reading programmes taught by Reading Specialists, I Can Read ensures that learning how to read is a rewarding and fun process for children.    
Contact an I Can Read Centre near you today for more information or to book a diagnostic reading assessment.